Wilson’s Snipe by Louisa Evers
One of the most confusing families of birds is the shorebird family (Scolopacidae & Charadriidae) with their similar plumage, habitat, and feeding behavior. This online class will point out tips and tricks of behavior and field marks to help separate the individual species and genus.
Ian Batterman has been bird watching since the age of six and has seen/heard over 585 bird species in 24 states. He is the current compiler of the Salt Lake Christmas Bird Count and the former Field Trip Coordinator for Great Salt Lake Audubon.
GEAS volunteers will lead a shorebird field trip open only to class registrants on April 2. Destination isn’t determined yet.
Registration fee (includes class, class recording and field trip):
Non-members - $30
GEAS current (as of date of registration) members - $20
GEAS members who have made a membership payment or a donation of $250 - free